Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The energy that surrounds you

You live in the energy that you create around you.

What kind of energy do you create? Fear? Prosperity? Love? Hate? Success? People always try to blame their ills on someone or something else. For some it is the government, others, their family, still others, their bosses. The fact is that at the end of the day what it all boils down to is you.

You create what energy that you will swim in every day. All of it. When there is a problem situation, you always have the power to change it. Always. No one said it would be easy. Some fixes are, some are not. Sometimes we have to close doors on friends, jobs, significant others. Sometimes that will cause a disruption in our lives, but if we are so unhappy, then that disruption will always bring about a better state in the long run. We are here to learn, adjust, change and even adapt. We choose each day what kind of energy we will swim around in.

A client recently let go of a problematic relationship partner. He was manipulative, demanding, abusive and could play that guilt card better than just about anyone. She loved him, yes, but she could no longer be with him. We all have our "breaking points", there is always a time when we say "enough". It sometimes amazes people when they push that final button. They then blame the fact that they have finally gone too far, on whatever comes to mind (in this case it was a female friend's influence). What it really was in the end , was my client having enough of the bad relationship.

Changing partners, shunning old friends or even family members, changing jobs, going back to school, saving money instead of spending, are not easy things to do.  They are sometimes necessary and even crucial to a person's mental, emotional, and even physical health.

Challenges are there to make us learn, grow, and see how strong we can be. When we successfully meet a challenge, we can help others meet them as well. It is a beautiful snowball of positive energy.

Remember that for the past few years now there has been an energetic shift going on. People are migrating to others who are more like themselves. That can be good and bad. The good side of it is that it pulls negative people away from positive people and adds even more positive people to the group. These are very general terms, but like DOES attract like. It is the energetic shift that will culminate its' first stage at the end of 2012.

Matt and I have watched the people around us change and grow, and are so thankful for the people that surround us. They are wonderful souls who would do anything for us at any time, and we would do the same. We help whenever we can. We help quietly.

So many clients are having issues with life, issues they can change pretty easily, but it requires action, faith and a little inconvenience. Take the time to decide what you need, and make sure that your needs do not impose upon other people's needs. We ASK for others to join us, BUT we never demand or play games like Guilt  Card; we work where we are APPRECIATED, BUT where we give 100% to our boss or business; we help others without need for recognition and repayment, but we do not allow others to abuse our desire to help. The healthy way of living life is with boundaries, and being able to set and keep healthy boundaries.

Set good boundaries that enable you to keep good, positive, healthy energy around you. Decide to have a good day, and see what magic happens. When things aren't working in your life, take a good hard look in the mirror, and find the change that needs to happen. Work at that change. When the answer is an outside issue, like a boyfriend who lays guilt on you, get rid of him. When it is a job that you hate going to everyday, find a new job. The fixes aren't always instantaneous, easy,or completed in one step , but they are still worth doing. We either put in the energy to change things, or continue to suffer. Change is a much better choice.

Our home is filled with laughter, fun, love, prosperity, happiness, success. It isn't made with magic wood, or blessed windows. It is made with hard work, love, mutual respect and positive energy. There had never been a fight in this house, and there never will be, anyone can have this special house aura exist in their home, anyone.

Make your day a day surrounded by wonderful energy. Do the same each day, for the rest of your life. I know some of the happiest, funniest, most loving people in the world. I am not just simply blessed, but I am working in harmony with the Universe, and that brings wonderful abundance, including abundant , happy people.

Have a wonderful day full of positive energy!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2011 Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

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