Friday, November 4, 2011


This week there were a few things that made me think , "really?"

 Here they are:

Occupy Oakland protesters break windows and burn businesses (of the 99%). Eighty people are arrested for causing damage and harm to others. Oakland has a reputation of being a bunch of violent and prejudicial people, with reputation of violence against police that they say is not deserved.  Oakland, really?

Kim Karsahian announces her divorce after being married (for the second time), for a total of 72 days. When asked about what will happen with the $2million ring, Kim's mother Kris says Kim will keep it "because she hates an Indian giver", showing the NA community that the Kardashians really are as dumb as you would think.

The Senate again rejects Obama's job package and then complains Obama is doing nothing to create jobs. You block someone's every move then complain they aren't moving?  Really? I thought that the biggest gathering of idiots would be at a frat house party, apparently I am wrong.

A local man dresses in a scary mask on Halloween to scare his girlfriend. As he is scaring her half to death, her dog bites him (really buddy, you didn't see that coming), and she also gets bitten while pulling the dog off of him. As if that were not enough, he further wants to show his callousness and stupidity by having the dog put down. Really? Lady, here is a hint, keep the dog, get a new boyfriend, that one has issues.

A woman is arrested for receiving a package containing marijuana. How many people have been caught mailing drugs? Maybe about a gazillion. Packages are checked more carefully than ever, especially since the anthrax scare when new procedures were put in place. I guess they don't call it "dope" for nothing. You thought that receiving drugs in the mail would work? Really? If it did the post office wouldn't be in financial danger.

Eighteen arrested in cocaine bust.....see last paragraph.

A man on Dr.Phil cheats on his wife because he says he has audio recording of her having sex with another man. After analyzing the tape, her husband , the accuser, was the man on the tape. He says he doesn't remember that night. You just destroyed your marriage over nothing. You don't remember having sex with your wife that night? Really? Hon, you need some serious help.

I have a friend who says that the problem in some places is that several people have to share a brain and it just wasn't that person's day to use it.Apparently there needs to be more Darwin awards passed out. The preceding people are my nominees for the week.

Let's see if we can be a little smarter.

Learn, research , grow.
Do the right things for the right reasons.

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C) 2011 Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

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