Monday, November 21, 2011

A real flash from the past.

Something happened this past weekend that has not happened in about 3 years. There were three instances, two times this happened they were old men, definitely in their retirement years, and going about their daily activities. They didn't say "hello" or hang around very long. As a matter of fact, they were gone in  a flash, as if my seeing them scared them back into keeping hidden. The third was a woman in a long white dress, she looked like a Gibson Girl and she turned and was gone.

One I may know the name of, the others I don't have a clue. One was sitting at my kitchen table eating something out of a bowl and reading the paper. The other was walking through a hallway in his home. The woman was out in St. Joe Cemetery. I could see the men as clear as day, sharp and crisp.The woman was sharp and crisp too, but a monotone of white.  It happened very quickly, and they were gone in an instant.

I don't think any of the people knew I was there, or maybe they did. The woman saw me, turned and disappeared. Maybe some being that is in charge of things said "hey you aren't supposed to see this", but they were there and gone. I can't even tell you if the most recent one had legs.

To some this will make no sense, to others , it makes perfect sense. Not one of these people were alive on this earth dimension when I saw them, but I saw them. They were from different times,and all gave me a quick clear look. I have also seen such beings in my mind's eye, more clairvoyantly, but these three could have been seen by anyone.

The last one surprised me by how small he was. I was expecting a big man, and he was not big at all. Rather overweight and hunched over, not the ruthless businessman type he is purported to be. It was a little surprising.

That all being said, they were all what we commonly call, ghosts. I think it is strange, but I have seen people apparitions and animals (cats). The cats held form for quite some time. The most recent cat was just last week (a trend is developing here), but for a person, it has been about 3 years since I have seen one. I wonder if there is a reason that animals can hold on to this dimension easier. Do humans not really want to appear , and an appearance is an "oops", a break in concentration. Someday we will have all these things figured out.

It is always a thrill to see a human that you know no longer walks this earth. It isn't creepy or scary to me, they have been hidden in the shadows so often in my life of living in haunted places, that I like having them where I can see them. When they appear, you can see that they are , or were, just like us. The men looked harmless, and the woman looked scared. Maybe I startled her!

I think I surprised the last gentleman as we had pretty much been on our way out the door, when I turned back to see if anything was going on while waiting for others to collect their things. Maybe he felt it was safe to come out. I hope he doesn't think I ambushed him, I would love to see him again.

My life has been full of things that for a long time, no one could explain. Now people are scientifically proving their existence and more and more information about "the other side" is coming to light.

While you go through your day today, there just may be someone you can't quite see over your shoulder, but if you turn a corner or move your head quickly enough, you just may get a clear glimpse of the past!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2011 Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

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