Monday, December 6, 2010

Guides 101

Each one of us has at least one guide. Most people have only one. This doesn't make you a bad person, or not as spiritual as another person. Guides sometimes step in to help with huge life changes, and step out again. Sometimes we have our normal guide, and then another for when we are performing ritual, or healing. It is sort of like bringing in a specialist.

I have listened to mine for years before I knew their names or could ask direct questions, there is not a need to know their names, although that should develop over time. The bond should get stronger.

Now, I know many people feel that their guide is someone they knew in life or a deceased family member. No, it is never that way. People can insist that their guide is their Grandma til the cows come home, but it is NEVER that way. Your guide stays with you through many lifetimes, so Grandma can't be it, nor would the Universe send you someone whose influence you already have in your life. Guides are with you, sometimes through all your lifetimes, sometimes through some. As you grow, guides can change. One of your "specialists" may become your "main guide".

That doesn't mean that you can't have an association with a passed loved one who will help you through life, but that said, dying doesn't make people psychic, smarter, or have insider information. So it would be like talking to Grandma when she was alive , which isn't necessarily a bad thing. However, talking to those who know your life plan, your destiny so to speak, your goals that you are to meet this lifetime, your weak points, and your strong ones, are going to be MUCH better at helping you with major life decisions. They DO have the insider information.

Some believe that angels (and they really are nothing like those winged creatures pictured in the Bible), are guides. They have a similar job, but they are nothing like guides. We will talk about them another day. They do have your best interests in mind, but they are more like the drill sergeants, and the guides are more like your psychic best friend. I have seen the energy of both, and they are distinctly different. Angels are more adept at making things happen, guides at directing you.

Guides were human. They lived many lives, and ascended to a realm of a "guide". A person who completed all their life lessons. They also volunteer for the position. They can relax in the higher realms, or hang around you to help you. Some need to put in that "guide" time in order to hang around in what some term "heaven", so they are also working towards a goal.

Guides were in lifetimes everything. They were male and female, black and white, died young, died old, rick and poor, smart and not so smart. They were exposed to every human condition so you can have an experienced person at your side.

They are not there to answer all the questions for you, but to GUIDE you. They are not there to make nice things happen, but to help you find the best way to achieve what you need to achieve. They counsel, push, advise, help, and help to protect you by trying to steer you away from bad decisions.

Different cultures have different names for them, but they are always there. There is at least one guide and one angel for everyone. You can usually see them in a person's aura, especially the angels, and the guides sometimes (they are not always looking over your shoulder). Guides step in and out as needed, you need to make your own mistakes and learn from them.

Guides can communicate with you, and for some that communication is easy. Tomorrow I will discuss some guide information passing. In the meantime when that little voice in the back of your mind says "don't do that, you know you shouldn't." Listen. It is probably a guide just doing their job!

have a great week!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C) 2010 Triple Moon Goddess Gina. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

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