Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Change, still coming

There is still much change coming to the world and I am so happy that is happening, however I do see that people are getting more and more CRAZY. The good are getting more attuned, and more helpful, but the "bad", and negative people are getting worse.

This isn't just anger, frustration, or even a just plain lackadaisical attitude, but meanness. People are really horrible . I guess the fact that the ones who have issues are being left behind, and are having those with good energy leave them, has created a worse version of what they were to begin with. Their teachers are being pulled away from them, and they have stopped learning and growing.

A man nearly ran me over in Walmart the other day. Now I know Walmart is not the citadel of etiquette and decorum, but he was in such a hurry he actually physically moved me (and I am not a tiny thing by any means), then as he passed, stuck his hand out in a half gesture behind him without looking back,  that I suppose was meant to mean "sorry".

Then yesterday as I was crossing the street , a lady cruised through a stop, drove on the wrong side of the road, nearly ran me over and said, "Watch out" (not in a nice way either, more like get the freak out of my road). I don't think I was supposed to hear her, but I did, and said "You watch out", to which I was greeted with a series of the "B" word and more. She was shouting out the window all the way down the street, at that point she became comical.

Last night I spoke to the most over the top crazy person who was ranting and raving. Everything positive I said, she turned into a negative, but not just a negative, a dramatic, over the top, horror story negative. I actually thought that I had signed off after speaking to her (or better yet being screamed at by her), when another reader called me to say she just had the most horrible conversation with a client who is a stalker. Her caller was threatening, mean and sarcastic. My colleague was asking what she could do to fend off this person without getting attacked (when we say something these crazy people don't like they leave us bad feedback).

People are being just downright viscous idiots.Then there are the ones who try to fit into the "spirituality" realm and don't have the good nature of a snake.  I wrote yesterday about a person promising a flute for over a year and not providing it nor the money back that he was paid. People are acting like irresponsible jerks.

 That said, there are still wonderful people out there, no doubt about it, my point is that the idiots and getting more idiotic and meaner, while the good folks are growing and shining brighter. When you know someone is being a jerk, pull away, you don't need to be around them in the first place and apparently people are getting worse and worse. Never condone this type of behavior, and be honest with people who are acting badly.

When you title yourself as a spiritual person, a person of the world community, ACT LIKE ONE.

When you bump into someone, say you are sorry and MEAN IT.
Yes, the laws and rules of society DO apply to you too.
When you make a promise keep it.
When you have goods or money ,that belong to someone, return it.
Do the right thing for the right reason.

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2011 Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

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