Thursday, October 13, 2011

Hypocritical is the word of the day

Yesterday someone made a comment in the newspaper, and I thought it was pretty interesting. I thought about it, and then forgot about it, as the day started and things got busy around here. When I woke up this morning, it was back in my conscious and also a whole set of things that show that the world has indeed gone insane.

People are so angry lately, and it really isn't anger about the world, it is anger about their individual lives. They are unhappy and it MUST be someone's fault, other than their own. Most of what they are screaming about,  actually doesn't effect them one iota, but they need a release. The hypocrisy in the world today is outright amazing.

What got my thinking started yesterday was an article about the "Occupy" people, how they want to change things, which isn't a bad idea...but have no ideas as to how. It made me think of the hippies of the 1960's. Only I have to say that the hippies had it much more together. They were actually people who dropped out of society. They didn't have a dollar in their pocket, they formed families and took care of each other.They had nothing. They didn't complain about Wall Street while tweeting about it on their iphones.

Today the people making all the noise, do it with their iphones, wearing Nike, Addias, Birkestock shoes, driving cars to their sit ins, eating at fast food chains, and filming it all on cameras made by, you guessed it, Big Business.

Once I noticed this, the chuckles started. The ones yelling they are the 99% have the most up to date computers and obviously internet, as they are posting on Facebook. Right after bitching about Big Business , they greatly mourn Steve Jobs. Ahem....Steve was a Capitalist. He was worth billions. You can't nominate Steve for Sainthood and be one of the 99%. That is hypocrisy.

The chuckles grew as I noticed that most, if not all of the 99% people are ones with no jobs or underemployed BECAUSE they CHOOSE to be so. These are the folks who sit home most, if not all of the day, and look for something to complain about. They never had a real job, ever, even when Johnson was president, back in the hippie days.

So, if you REALLY mean what you say about being against Big Business.....sell your car first. This will show those companies that got bailouts, and you won't have to buy gas or oil from those terrible oil companies anymore. Walk like the hippies did or pool your resources with the others and get an old VW van. While you are at it, stay away from the supermarket. General Mills, Proctor and Gamble sells their wares there. Plant a nice organic garden, it is better for you anyway. Toss out all your prescription medicine. Flush it down the toilet. Those drug companies are horrible people, they make billions a year! Better get rid of all that clothing that you didn't make yourself nor sheer the sheep to get the wool. And for Goodness Sakes, take the TV, DVD player, CD player, Mp3 player, video camera, digital camera, computer, laptop, and smartphone and dump it in the nearest dumpster. Take that 401K and give it to the masses.

Now that you are REALLY doing something about the problem, get a job. Don't tell me there aren't any. I know several companies right here that are looking for people and have good jobs available. Since you tossed all that electronic stuff, maybe you will have time now to work. Then you won't have to complain about having nothing while those fat cats have it all.

Then the same people that whine about big business, whine about health care for all. They don't want the rich to have the money, but they don't want to poor to have the benefit of it either....maybe they just want themselves to have it, then they are the big cats and we can all whine about them.

This is a Capitalist country. That means if you are faster, smarter, more hard working and innovative than the next guy, you get rich. Apparently it also means all the whiners get to cry about you  having all the money. Oh well, get off your butts and make some money. Mc Donald's is including health care in their employee benefits right now.....

If all that still isn't working for you, there is a place pretty close by where you won't have to worry about Big Business, it is tropical, you can go to the beach every day if you choose. It is called Cuba, if hot weather doesn't work for you , there is always China. A large country, you can live in the mountains, or you can be in a large city.

When you don't have a viable solution and you raise hell, you are what is called "part of the problem". This country isn't perfect, changes are needed, but this is a new world and the ways and ideas must be new. So far I haven't seen any new ideas, just people who bitch about big business on their iphones, laptops and notebooks. That my friend, is called hypocrisy.

As we used to say back in the part of the solution, not part of the problem. I thank the Universe for big business. It gives me a Ford to drive, medication to keep my BP in check, and a laptop to write on.

When you are truly concerned about big business, research (there is that word again). Did you know that many of these businesses donate huge sums to charity, that they are integral in green development, both in their manufacturing and energy resources for all of us. Did you know those food giants I mentioned earlier feed breakfast to all head start and school children on Indian reservations in this country? Instead of protesting against them, maybe you should find out what they do with all that money first, and then give your hard earned money to the companies that do positive things with their profits. That is what the non hypocrites do. Live in this world, have a job, and are mindful about where they spend their money . Hypocrites sit around and whine on their expensive electronics.

This is my best year ever, and it isn't only me, so if you are stuck, YOU are stuck. Unstick yourself and maybe, just maybe you can be one of the people the hypocrites complain about. Put on your big girl panties and deal. Have an original thought. Use the brain and muscles the Universe gave you to actually do something productive. Whining isn't productive.

You create your reality. When you create anger, chaos and disappointment, that is where you will live every day. When you create joblessness, hopelessness, and pettiness, that is what your life will be like.

Thank the Universe for all that you already have. It doesn't matter if you drive a Chevy and not a Mercedes. Be thankful for your Chevy.Work your ass off and you can have a Mercedes.
There are people in this world walking everywhere they go, in bare feet, no wonder the Arabs hate us. We are a nation of ungrateful whining idiots who have 20 times more than they do. Wake up and smell the coffee!!!

There is another twist to all of this. The ones whining because they don't have the expense accounts and fancy cars....are the ones who claim to be spiritual. When you are spiritual you thank the Universe/God/Creator everyday for what you have, and you work toward growing each day.  You know the Bible says not to covet what others have. So spiritual or religious, you know you shouldn't be whining about the what is your real reason? Unhappy at home? That is it. The person who is making you unhappy right now is YOU. Not the president of Exxon, nor Donald Trump. You. You are solely responsible for your happiness and well being. You.

 ...and by the way that saying...god helps those that helps themselves, is TRUE!

OK, I have to get off my soapbox now as I actually have work to do!

Peshaui Wequashimese

Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission

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