Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I choose.......

Other readers say to me , "write about how people need to be smacked over the head to get the message". A friend says, write about all the wannabes out there (and another friend met up with some a little while back). Another reader said, more Native American articles, loved yesterday's! A very good friend loved yesterday's too.

Wow, now I have to choose. They are all great topics. When the Universe/Creator/God stops us from doing something , especially in a major way (which prompted a fellow reader to say snow, flood and volcano), it is time to say "Gee I guess I better not do this." The wannabes are the people who read a few books, watch a few TV shows and then start doing energy work on others. They should only do it on themselves. The crap people have been told (and sometimes it really upsets them), by people who don't know what they are doing, is amazing. The bad way people have felt after having someone do energy work on them, is totally unnecessary and sad.(Like Walking Thunder said yesterday, you need to be accepted by the elders). The third topic is always fun, on the topic of Native American culture and spirituality, there is so much to write about, and sadly so many people who are GREATLY mistaken about NA life and spirituality (to the point of "there are no more Natives" to building killer sweat lodges).

So let's start at the top. Messages. We should ask three times before we do anything big. We need to make sure we are ready, that it is in our path, and we are not harming someone else by our actions. It is VERY easy to fool ourselves into thinking that this is what we are supposed to do, just because we WANT to so badly. The mark of a true healer, psychic, energy worker, is knowing how to step aside and let the truth come in, even if we don't want to hear it. So many people are so infatuated with others that they just "know" this is their "soulmate" when what he is, is some other person's husband. Our desires speak louder than the Universe, and we have to learn to listen to the whisper under the loud Ego voice.

People don't think of these things. All they think of is, "I want to ", or "this will be cool / fun/ exciting to do." A friend of mine made plans for a vacation, she had no business going on vacation, she hasn't worked in a year, and the mortgage company is sending threatening letters. She always went before, so she was determined. First she tried to book flights and could not, credit card wouldn't work. Then she got tickets and the flights were canceled (due to snow). I told her, "Get the hint yet?" She did, and did not go on the trip, unfortunately she cannot get the money back.At least she saved on hotel, food and fun, and can use the tickets some other time.

These are pretty huge clues. The Universe wasn't sending mild messages, it was sending strong ones. Especially weather, when the Universe sends you messages by inconveniencing a bunch of other people through a snow storm, TAKE NOTE. So the snow storm kept her home, where she should have been all along.

We also have to make sure something is part of our path. Another person got involved in a religious group. This religion began in another culture (Far Eastern), and there was much to be learned and it was difficult to be excepted into. She was not allowed in to the inner circle, and this was after years of study, and participating in events. You would think the Universe would want us to immerse ourselves so deeply in a religion. The problem was, this was not in her path, and the reason she took that path was for a man. She was in love with a leader in the group. Neither worked out for her.Years wasted and a broken heart.

Don't step on toes, or cause harm. Don't fake it! Just because you want to do something, doesn't mean you should. Just because you do something at home, doesn't mean you should do it abroad. You also need to know whose "territory" you are in, are you stepping on toes? Drastic example, people from California, wandered into Arizona, and set up a sweat lodge (which they had no business doing at all), and eventually, killing people. They did it for the wrong reasons, they build it incorrectly structurally, and built it incorrectly spiritually. They wandered onto a tribe's territory and didn't ask permission, they later said they had help from the tribe, but the tribe didn't help them at all. Sweat lodges aren't for fun. They are an integral part of the Native American culture with a serious importance and spirituality to them. Think of them as going into a mikvah (Jewish spiritual bath), or even a Baptism. It is serious, not for fun and games, or to say "I did it", and certainly not to make six figures the next year (the reason James Ray's followers did). If a born Native isn't building it (and not all Natives are prepared, have the knowledge or are "authorized" to build one), don't go in it!

People are in such a rush to suck up as many spiritual events, practices and knowledge as they can. We call them "spiritual experience vampires". They end up learning nothing, and ignoring signs from the Universe as to what they should and should not do. So take the blizzard for a hint, so the rest of us don't have to then go through the flood and the volcano, while the Universe tries to get the message through your thick skull.

Do the right things FOR THE RIGHT REASONS.

Harm none. Ever.

If you WANNABE...excellent! Learn it the right way before practicing it on others.
The world needs more educated, talented and knowledgeable energy workers.

Don't fake anything.

Always work in the light. Never work out of Ego.

Don't step on others toes, keep your "fun" stuff in your own back yard. Make sure that you are not insulting another culture, religion, or group. Make sure that you aren't setting a bad example. Be a responsible citizen of the Universe. Just because you want to do it, isn't good enough!

OK , I think I covered all the requests today!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2011 Triple Moon Goddess Gina, May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

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